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AtmosRX offers a huge selection of models with something to suit virtually every need and taste. The AtmosRX Jewel is a conduction vaporizer pen for wax with a number of benefits, which we'll outline for you in this review.
- Price - the Jewel typically retails for under $80, making it an affordable vapor pen even if you only plan to vape wax. The model is especially economical if you use both types of material, as it costs less than what you would pay to buy one vape pen for waxy oils and concentrates, and one for dry herbs.
- Vapor Quality - with the Jewel, you do notice differences in vapor quality depending on what you're vaping. As a dab pen, the model is excellent and delivers above average vapor quality, compared to what you would get from other waxy oils vaporizer pens. Because this is a conduction model, the Jewel is a little more problematic with dry herbs. It tends to run hot and produce warm and harsh vapor when you use it with herbal blends.
- Guarantee - AtmosRX offers a 5-year warranty on all of their models. That warranty is longer than what's usually provided on a wax pen or dry herb pen.
- Prep Time - the Jewel gets hot very fast. Loading the vape is easy whether you're using it for dry herbs or for waxy concentrates.
- Portability - while it is a little wider than some other pen models, it's still very easy to carry because it's just 4 inches long. The unit is a little stouter than some electronic cigarettes, but we'd consider it a compact way to use concentrates.
- Ease of Use - beginners won't have a learning curve with the Atmos Jewel. The model is simple to master with its one button operation to vaporize.
- Heating and Temperature Regulators - Atmos RX did not create the Jewel with variable temperature technology. There is only one temperature setting, which tends to be fine for wax, and a little hot for dry herbs.
- Power Supply - Battery life is better than or comparable to other wax models on the market.
The Atmos RX Jewel undoubtedly offers value for the money. By giving you a very good vaporizer pen for wax, and a below average quality for dry herbs in one unit, the Jewel gives you two ways to vape for a low price. You can check out the Atmos Jewel right here at VaporPlants to learn more about the vape pen.