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With so many new herb vaporizers coming out for use, it can be hard to discern the differences between all of these vapes, let alone determine which of these will end up being the best vaporizers for you. This article will take a look at a couple of the key features of a few prominent vapes--the Pax 3, DaVinci IQ, and the Firefly 2- to help you understand their core qualities and assist you with picking the right one for you.
The Pax 3 is yet another great addition to the Pax line, retails at a price of $279, and is covered by a 10-year limited warranty. This conduction-heated herbal vaporizer is that and so much more. It allows you to use dry herbs, wax, and oils,. The Pax 3 comes with two dry herb oven lids and one concentrate lid. The dry herb ovens are both a "full" oven and a "half" oven, each of which contains their own capacity limits for your loose-leaf material. To use concent\rates instead, simply swap out the ovens. Both deliver exceptional taste and potency.
The Pax 3 features 4 preset heat levels which can be accessed by pressing the single activation button, or you can use the smartphone app. The app will let you control not only the temperature, but also to adjust the LED brightness and power your device on or off. Sleek and portable, the battery lasts about 5-7 sessions and is able to heat the Pax 3 in only 10-15 seconds.
Today, more and more people are giving up smoking in favor of vaping in order to protect themselves from smoke. Fortunately, there are products out there that makes it possible to actually vape dry herbs known as Pax vaporizers. The original Pax was developed by a company called Ploom and was known as the Pax Ploom or Ploom Pax vaporizer. The engineers behind the company actually got their jump start from making electronic cigarettes. Ploom originally offered a pen called the modelONE and then modelTWO that vaporized herbs which were packaged in special bubble containers that were sort of like very small versions of the coffee capsules used in Keurig and other coffee brewing systems. Eventually, the Ploom brand name and the modelTWO were sold to another company, and the Pax Ploom brand name was simply renamed to PAX Labs. Current Pax 2 and 3 vaporizer models are small enough to fit comfortably in the palm of your hand, and are mostly intended for vaporizing any type of dry herbs, which can be loaded into a specially designed chamber at the top.
A smaller, more comfortable to hold cousin of the DaVinci Ascent, the DaVinci IQ is a herbal vaporizer that boasts many cool, new features. With a 10-year warranty and priced at $199, this 360-degree conduction vape features a ceramic oven and vapor path, both of which preserve the crisp flavors and aromas that you love, along with the potency, and also have a high crack-resistance.
The DaVinci IQ comes complete with a smartphone app with a sleek, user-friendly interface. Things the app can do include: turning the unit on and off, changing temperatures, and choosing between Smart Paths mode or precision mode. Precision mode lets you choose a temperature right to the degree, Smart Path allows you to set a ten minute window of time for a set temperature increase. These increments are set by the user for a fully customizable experience!
The DaVinci IQ also features micro-USB charging and a removable, replaceable 18650 battery capable of lasting up to 70 minutes on the vape's highest setting. The unit vibrates to let the user know when it is ready to use and when the 10 minute shutoff has occurred. It is simple to load and produces great flavor and vapor for a conduction vape.
The Firefly 2 is a portable convection vaporizer for use as either a dry herb, wax, or concentrated oil vaporizer. An updated version of the original Firefly, the Firefly 2 is smaller, lighter, and performs better overall than its predecessor. Perfect for solo use or use with one other person, small amounts work best in its chamber. Due to its small capacity, this is one of the most efficient vaporizers for herbs on the market.
The Firefly 2 delivers excellent performance with smooth, tasty, and potent hits each time. It is built for slow, steady pulls and it has an average draw resistance. Because it is a convection vape, the material heats evenly, extracting each compound expertly and reducing the need to stir the dry herbs. It is composed of high-quality materials and comes shipped with two removable, replaceable batteries.
It only takes around 30 seconds to clean, and that is the only real maintenance this vape requires. It has BlueTooth functionality that connects it to its smartphone app (see here for iTunes and Android Apps), which you use to control the vape, including choosing one of five temperature settings.
Each of these vaporizers boasts their own unique features that make them desirable, but of course, not one size fits all. That said, with all of the cool attributes they each have, one of these listed here is sure to fit the specifications of what you are looking for. Check out a few in-depth vaporizer reviews on these devices here at VaporPlants to truly determine which vape is going to suit you the best.