Whether you're looking for your first desktop vaporizer or want to add a new desktop vaporizer to your collection without investing a lot of money, the Easy Vape Digital Vaporizer is one of the best vaporizers available in its economical price range and will provide you with years of enjoyable vaping.
Vaporizer Ideal for All Dry Herbs
The Easy Vape Digital Vaporizer is a whip vaporizer that can be used with all dry herbal blends. The Easy Vape name refers to the simplistic design of the vaporizer, which makes it an ideal whip vape for beginners. Nearly every Easy Vape review is packed with praise for the desktop vaporizer, testifying to its good vapor quality and ease of use.
Optimal Vaporizer Temperatures
With the Easy Vape Digital Vaporizer, it's easy to achieve the ideal vaporization conditions for nearly all types of dry herbs. The Easy Vape features an LCD screen that tells you the exact temperature setting. Twist the knob to raise or lower the temperature by 2-degree increments to reach the ideal setting from 200 degrees Fahrenheit to 400 degrees Fahrenheit. Even at the highest setting, the whip vaporizer will reach optimal temperature in 2 minutes or less.
Lightweight and Durable
Measuring 4.75 inches by 3.63 inches by 6 inches in size, the Easy Vape Digital Vaporizer weighs around 1 pound. Its lightweight design is owed largely to its polycarbonate housing, which keeps the weight light while still making the desktop very durable. The attractive tabletop vaporizer is made in six colors: Black, Red, Blue, Silver, White and Yellow.
Impressive Easy Vape Parts
The internal components of the Easy Vape Digital are as impressive as its stylish exterior. The dry herb vaporizer features a ceramic heating element and glass on glass components instead of metal and plastic parts. This ensures a toxin-free, impurity-free vape with every draw. To help prevent serious damage in the event of a power surge, it features fuses that you can simply replace in the event of a short circuit. The high quality construction of the dry herb vaporizer allows the Easy Vape to bear a 5-year manufacturer's warranty.
The Hands Free Whip Vaporizer
With the Easy Vape Digital, you'll receive a whip that changes colors as you draw. Ground glass connections allow the whip to stay inside of the vaporizer without you having to hold on, keeping your hands free. The included whip consists of an 18-millimeter glass wand, 2.5 feet of surgical grade silicone tubing and a shatter-resistant Pyrex glass mouthpiece.
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