What is a Vaporizer? How Vaping Compares to Smoking?
2015-05-05 16:51:43
With legal marijuana now available in so many states for medicinal and recreation purposes, there is a growing interest in the ways that marijuana can be used. As you begin to research options, you're sure to run into the term "vaporizer", and if you're like many people, you might not know what it means. What is a Vaporizer? This article is a brief introduction to just what a vaporizer is and how it stacks up to smoking.
Vaporizer Basics
A vaporizer is a device that is used to release the active compounds in marijuana and other substances like tobacco or medicinal herbs. There are many styles and types of vaporizers, but all use the same basic mechanism to make it possible to inhale the potent chemicals from various substances. The process is as follows:
The material to be vaped is placed inside of the vaporizer.
The inside of the vaporizer gets hot. The heat can come from a lighter held up to the vaporizer, from butane mixing with air inside the vaporizer or from a heating coil that is powered by a battery or electricity.
As the inside of the vaporizer gets hot, it heats up the material.
The material eventually reaches a temperature called its vaporization point. At this temperature, the active natural chemicals inside of it are turned into a gas.
The gas from the substance, called vapor, builds up inside of the vaporizer.
The user typically draws the vapor into his or her lungs through some type of mouthpiece. Sometimes the vapor may be released into the room to scent the air. This use is called aromatherapy.
Key Difference Between Vaping and Smoking
Smoking and using a vaporizer or vaping both involve inhaling active natural compounds from marijuana, tobacco, or another substance. The main difference between vaping vs smoking is what's producing the substance that you inhale:
Smoking involves combustion. The material that you're using catches on fire. This heats it up quickly and releases the active chemicals along with carbon from the fire. Check out our conduction vs convection informational page.
Vaporizing involves creating gas, or vapor. There is no smoke involved and no carbon released with the active compounds.
Why People Vape
Is vaping bad for you? While scientists are still studying the effects of vaporization, there is general consensus among the scientific community and users that:
Vapor produced from vaporizers does not contain the carcinogens found in smoke. This leads many scientists to believe that vapor is not as likely to cause cancer.
Vapor produced from vaporizers is cleaner than smoke. This leads to speculation that it is gentler to the lungs and airways, less likely to cause irritation, and less likely to cause lung diseases and problems than smoking.
Vapor produced from vaporizers does not leave behind a burned smell on hands, breath, or clothing. Often times, you cannot even tell if someone is vaporizing around you based on smell alone.
If you'd like to learn more about vaporizers, you can check out our other informative articles. Want to try a vaporizer? We can help you select the perfect one. Contact us for assistance.
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